Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Funding Streams in the Health and Social Care Sector Essay

Funding Streams in the Health and Social Care Sector - Essay Example There will be bids from consortia for approaches will be included in a wide range of client groups and innovation and sustainability beyond funding will be equally vital. A good number of evidence that may inform an evaluation of the approach will be used in supporting organization activity and are effectively self-sustaining in the long run. The proposal is supposed to be based on realistic level of resources that may help in the overall program. Evaluation of the funded program will be analyzed by the implementation group that will have the role of identifying and sharing lessons learned and the organizations that are successful in this round of bids will have the chance to learn from the operation of the program. The Program’s strategy is intended to ensure high quality, accessible advice that provides a key role in enabling informed choice and in supporting an individual’s pathway through support. On the other side, fund priorities include building the capacity of independent advice and support especially in areas where such kind of activities do not exist and addressing the support and information needs of all the user groups such as people providing care. Moreover, the fund will support the development of a range of advice and support services in relation to the relevant authorities and to evaluate the approaches taken within funded bids to support sustainability in the long run such as informing future commissioning strategies (Great Britain 2011, pp. 59-61).

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Maine - A novel- J.courtney Sullivan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Maine - A novel- J.courtney Sullivan - Essay Example In this excerpt, like the other three women, Maggie is struggling with universal issues that are affecting women in this last century. As a result, she is forced to confront the real truths about themselves together with their relationships. Maggie is thirty-two years of age, and she is pregnant. However, she is still waiting for that perfect moment to break the news to her imperfect boyfriend (Sullivan, 430). However, when she got pregnant, her boyfriend backed away showing the continues string of inapproriate partners for the four women. Maggie can be located in her generation in the way she dressed. Sullivan writes, she appeared in â€Å"tiny tight dress in Lewinsky blue† (431). When Alice learns that Maggie is pregnant, she says, â€Å"Well, that’s, then,† (437). This shows her anger towards Maggie’s pregnancy. This contributes to the theme of love and anger in the story. As the story drifts towards the end, Kathleen says to Maggie, "Its going to be okay," (444) to which she responds, "It has to be"(446). This shows the existence of love between the women. This brings out the charms of Maggie’s adopted home in Brooklyn. Sullivan portrays three generations of women in the Kelleher’s family who take the guilt in their secrets of their private lives. In alternating accounts late spring and early summer, the female figures contradict and complement each other in surprising but contradictable manner. By the time the story comes to an end, the reader is also ready to leave the beach. Summarily, through Maggies, the story unveils the theme of sibling rivalry, irrational love, social climbing, alcoholism, and Catholic guilt all at the centre of this Keller family. Sullivan uses the four women to show their contrasting behaviours since they belong to different